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Traditional city house
(Former home of merchant Rafikov V.G.)
1906 year

Традиционный городской дом
(Бывший дом купца Рафикова В.Г. )
1906 год

Салттуу шаар үйү
(Соодагер В.Г.Рафиковдун мурунку үйү)
1906 жыл
Кыргыз тили (KG)
Ысык-Көл облустук балдар жана өспүрүмдөрдүн чыгармачылык борбору
XIX кылымдын аягы - ХХ кылымдын башы.
Иссык-Кульский областной центр детско-юношеского творчества
конец ХIХ –начало ХХ вв.
Issyk-Kul Regional Center for Children and Youth Creativity
End of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centry
Building information
Traditional town house (k. XIX-beginning of XX c.) house with double corner semi-columns, built in 1906. The former home of the merchant Rafikov V.G. (Manufactured, fur goods, wool, hair, bristles, tea, sugar) From 1921. Karakol County Executive Committee, from 1925. the building surrendered tenants on the warrant of the Housing Committee, now the hotel "Neophyt" ul. Dzerzhinskogo-Toktogul (Zinovievskaya-Bazarnaya).
One aspect of good urban planning is the preservation of historic and cultural monuments and the support of the country's architectural heritage. Each city has different planning needs. In some cities it is the protection of the environment, in others it is the protection of history.
While working in Karakol, one of the city planning consultants, Andrei Ivanov, drew attention to the richness of the traditional Russian and Kyrgyz architecture that has survived in Karakol. Mr. Ivanov is a well-known expert on the protection of the historical urban environment in Russia. In his spare time, on weekends, he began photographing and studying the city's historical heritage. (You can read more in the book "Karakol. Architectural and Urban Planning Heritage").
The "Neophyte" hotel is now located in this building

More about "Neophyte":

The signs on the buildings were installed as part of the project "Ideas transforming the city - Karakol".
Objective: Creation of an interactive platform on the basis of Shaarkan in Karakol city to strengthen the social capital of the urban community and tourist attraction of the city.
The Karakol Heritage Initiative was initiated by the MoHE "Leadership" together with the Issyk-Kul regional state archive and the media partner of the radio station "Wave of Issyk-Kul" with the support of the public and donors.
Project objectives:
- To promote the preservation of Karakol's architectural heritage;
- develop an interactive online map showing the historical sites of the city;
- conduct a thematic media campaign to attract the attention of local residents and the development of civic engagement.
Information about the project:

The material was prepared within the framework of the "Karakol Heritage" initiative by the project team
"Ideas transforming the city - Karakol"
with the support of the Youth Development Institute and the Soros Foundation Kyrgyzstan.
The content is the responsibility of MBO "Leadership" and does not necessarily reflect the position of IRM and FGC.
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